The (End of) American Dream John F. Kennedy 
Az Amerikai Álom (Vége) John F. Kennedy


Author: Rajmund Fekete

Publisher: KKETTK Foundation

Year of Publication: 2023

,,Fekete Rajmund könyve a Kennedy-mítosszal foglalkozik. Azzal a tudatosan formált Kennedy-képpel, amelynek a kialakításában minden megtervezett és alaposan végiggondolt volt. Annak a Kennedy legendának a megalkotásával, amely elnökségét a modern amerikai történelem aranykorává stilizálta fel és az új Camelot megtestesülésének állította be. Mert korunknak is szüksége van legendára, mítoszra és hősre. Adta magát, hogy Kennedy legyen az." - írja a kötet előszavában Schmidt Mária."





The Evangelical Movement in the United States 
/ Amerikai Evangéliumi Mozgalom /


Editors: Balázs Mártonffy, Gábor Csizmazia,
József Kaló, György Berényi

Publisher: Ludovika University Press

Year of Publication: 2023

This volume explores the social, political, cultural, and theological aspects of the diverse and distinctive American evangelical movement, which is characterized by an extraordinary capacity for renewal and therefore remains the dominant and influential group of worldviews in America today. Its influence in shaping the political and social system, as well as the history and global relations of the United States is undeniable. Without it, the West in its current form would certainly not exist, while its role in the persistence of the Judeo-Christian value system remains crucial.




Collision Courses: Hungary's Room for Manouvre amid the US-Chinese Hegemonic Competition  
/ Ütközőpályák – Magyarország mozgástere az amerikai-kínai nagyhatalmi játszmákban /


Editors: Balázs Mártonffy, Tamás Magyarics

Publisher: Ludovika University Press 

Year of Publication: 2023

The most important question of our time is no longer when the United States of America will find a competitor, as China has clearly grown into this role. Rather, it is how the rivalry between the two giants will develop. The rules of the post-WWII international order set by America seems to be changing, yet it is by no means inevitable that China will overtake the US. The latter still dominates as a nuclear superpower, and although its leadership and the indisputability of the “liberal world order” it promotes are increasingly questioned, America still has the greatest innovative and “soft” power along with much more allies and considerable experience in the international great power game. The aim of our book is to offer insight into the rivalry between these two giants. What are the drivers that could turn the competition between China and the United States into a conflict, and what can influence the outcome of such a contest? Through their analysis of aspects determining the trajectories of great power conflict, the authors attempt to draw conclusions that will also help understand Hungary’s room for maneuver in foreign policy.



Books of our scholars


Paradigm Shift in Constitutionalism


Author: Prof. Dr. István Stumpf

Publisher: Gondolat Publishers

Year of Publication: 2022

The author documents and analyses a paradigm shift in constitutional law, based on the most important cases of Hungarian, European and partly American public law debates. These cover the specificities of constitutional power, the 'power struggles' between legislative and constitutional bodies arising from debates on legal-political constitutionalism, and some case studies in public law. In the context of constitutional identity, the volume analyses the problems arising from the conflict between European law and national constitutions, the struggle between federalism and sovereignty. The case studies deal with the challenges to the basic principles of classical constitutionalism in the paradigm debates of the last decade of Hungarian constitutionalism, elaborating on the theses, positions and arguments of legislation, constitutional review and jurisprudence (whether on the elements of quality legislation, the legal status of churches, economic legislation, the constitutional foundations of the protection of sovereignty within the EU or the constitutionality of instruments to combat pandemics.)



Cyberdiplomacy from the European Perspective


Editors: Balázs Mártonffy, Anna Molnár

Publisher: Ludovika University Press

Year of Publication: 2022

The volume’s purpose is to provide the reader with the key tools needed to navigate the realm of cyberdiplomacy. It is not exhaustive detailing of all aspects of cyberdiplomacy; instead, our work highlights the key pillars needed to understand a varied and complex topic from a European viewpoint. Balazs Martonffy provides an overview of the key terms and relevant literature of the topic. Anna Molnár offers an introduction to the strategic and institutional framework of the EU’s cyber security policy. Dóra Molnár demonstrates how European traditional diplomatic powerhouses fare in the realm of cyberdiplomacy. Dóra Dévai focuses on the institutionalization of the cyberspace policy of the European Union, and accounts how the EU’s cyberspace policy evolved. Csaba Krasznay’ provides an overview of the “WannaCry” and the “NotPetya” attacks, and details the Western response. Anita Tikos focuses on the Visegrad Four states’ roles and efforts in cyberdiplomacy, highlighting the importance of the group’s rotating presidency.


Constitutional Journey in Amerika
/ Alkotmányjogi utazás Amerikában /


Author: Lénárd Sándor

Publisher: MCC Press Kft.

Year of Publication: 2021

The United States of America has come a long way since it became singular rather than plural in English, when the federal government rather than the States became predominant. Meanwhile, it must face the fact that the originally conceived moral, legal and economic vision, which is based on the self-governance of citizens committed to the common good, has been continuously eroding. Through exciting anecdotes, the “Constitutional Journey in America” reveals the unique turning points and current challenges of American constitutionalism while shedding light on the distortion of American democracy as well as on the emerging threats to the values of traditional American way of life.