New challenges, modern answers - U.S. midterm elections forecast roundtable

The Institute for American Studies and the Danube Institute cordially organized a roundtable event on U.S. midterm elections forecast at Scruton V.P. in Budapest. Rod Dreher, the senior editor of The American Conservative, Director of Network Project at Danube Institute, István Stumpf, former constitutional justice of the Constitutional Court of Hungary and senior researcher at the Institute for American Studies, and István Kiss, Executive Director of the Danube Institute and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Hungarian Conservative dicussed how the United States midterm elections could influence US and global politics for the next two years in moderation of Balázs Mártonffy, director of the Institute for American Studies. 

In their scene setters all peakers agreed upon the importance 4th of November bears for the Biden-administration. While forecasts indicated a fair chance for Republican victory at the midterms, István Kiss highlighted that the population’s suppor is not always exchangable for votes, especially after the modification of the abortus law.

As Rod Dreher empahsized that regardless of the outcome Biden will remain the president, however, in case of a Republican turnover in the Senate or in the House, Democrats’ hands were tied to a close consultation with the opposition. Moreover, as István Stumpf highlighted, the results of the midterm elections will determine the candidates running for office in 2024.

But the question on who might become the next president of the United States are still several options on the table. Donald Trump and DeSantis are among the most anticipated candidates but the Democratic cards are not revealed yet.


Címkék: midterm elections